So through elections, disasters, referendums, or world events, Peter Mansbridge has been there guiding us through the stories of our time.
Mansbridge started off his career as a broadcaster in a rather improbable way, with a level of happenstance that is almost hard to fathom today. The story goes like this: as a young man, Mansbridge having hitchhiked and wandered across the country, was working at the Churchill Manitoba airport. While he making an announcement on the PA system, a CBC producer overheard him. Impressed with his rich baritone voice, the producer approached Mansbridge to see if he would be interested in helping out at the local CBC radio station. Before long, Mansbridge was hosting a newscast in Churchill, and few years later he was reporting nationally as a correspondent, and his career as one of Canada's best known television broadcasters was underway.

In this wide-ranging interview recorded at his office at the CBC, we discuss his wayward childhood in Ottawa, debate the virtues of expert panels, and learn of the one interview he'd still most like to do.